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Thursday 14 June 2018


It was 8-03 pm
when Beach Buoy and two Dogs arrived on the beach.
A couple sat chatting on the low wall at the South end of the Car Park. Beach Buoy headed for the ramp that leads down to the sands. It had been really windy (Storm Hector.)
Beach Buoy had noticed a Wobbly Seagull wobbling on a Wobbly Street Light which sort of lead him to believe it was still a bit blowy

As they headed South a Couple of Couples with Dogs attached headed North.
There were two other couples sat up in the Dunes sheltering from the strong breeze as they people watched the remaining Beach walkers.

A Black Cloud had been following Beach Buoy most of the week....
Tonight was no different .. but the Sun eventually showed.
Beach Buoy stood watching the water drain from the Beach, as he did his boots began to sink into the soft sand.
Not Quicksand, just a bit hasty.

Beach Buoy spent the remainder of the walk with his head in the Clouds.
It was a nice place to be...