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Sunday 11 August 2024



Another Dog ready for the off.
Look how excited she looks.
They arrived at the beach at 5-20 a.m.
Two young ladies were sat on the Esplanade Wall.
They went and sat in their car to continue their conversation.
Upon reaching the wall, Beach Buoy spotted Dolphins out in the Bay.
A man in a tall pointed hat was passing by.
Beach Buoy pointed to the sea.
Let's face it, they weren't going to be anywhere else.
"Ah yes, there they are " said the man.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the beach.
The air was so fresh.

The dolphins were heading south, a fair way out.

A Minke Whale was close to shore, heading north.

So lucky to be so close.

Click, click, click.

Maybe too many photographs?
It may be the last time Beach Buoy manages to see one so close.


It continued to head north...

...and then it was gone.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
The sea lapped onto the beach like a lake.

The Sun rose.

A special morning.

They carried on southwards.

A couple and their dogs were to the south end.

Two German Shepherd Dogs on the loose.

Beach Buoy headed for the big slope, out of the way. 

They reached Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."
It was 6-20.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He drank coffee as he gathered his thoughts.
The sun was just the correct temperature.
Beach Buoy closed his eyes.
He soaked the warmth and light. 

Beach Buoy sketched an idea for a Seaton Snooks Tea Room Card.

Stubborn Dog Stack view.

A beach fisherman to the south.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple came and went on the beach below.

A barefoot couple walked in the sea.
Their doodle dog trotted nearby 

"See you mate."
They had been on the beach almost two hours.
It had  gone in the blink of an eye. 

They returned along the "easy" route.

A slow walk back.

Regulars came.
All were told of the dolphins and the Minke Whale.
Team Muzzled Dog.

The very very wet retriever passed by at distance.
Distant waves were shared.

A man and his dog, down by the sea.

Back to The Esplanade.

A paddleboarder set off.

Coffee time.