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Monday 26 August 2024



Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog reached the beach.
It was 6-18 p.m.
An electric bike sped along the water's edge.

The tide was well out.
It was overcast but mild.
The elderly man with an elderly greyhound were just leaving the beach.
The litter pick lady was up in the dunes.
Distant waves were exchanged.

They headed southwards 
The Big Slope is bottom right.
To the north a man tried pushing a pushchair on the soft sand.
He turned and pulled the pushchair to the car park.

Beach Buoy and the dogs walked midway between the sea and the dunes.
Up on the strand-line a couple put their German Shepherd on its lead.

Beach Buoy walked the "easy" route.
He waited to let a man pass who was heading north on the route
He was dogless.
They had a brief and polite chat.
They went their separate ways.
Beach Buoy pigeonholed the man as an ex vicar maybe.
Dogless and dog collarless too.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He sipped fizzy water.
He sat watching a two tone grey sea, under a forty nine tone grey sky.

The beach below.

"See you mate."
They headed back 

Slow walk back.
The tide was was working its way back in.

The water's edge.

The Little People took a late evening stroll.

VW T 4

Note ... Slowly catching up with words on the blog.

Will add words to new posts as they are published.
Also will update one from the past where l still need to add words each time l post.
Up to  21 JULY at present.