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Saturday 24 August 2024


 It was around 6-47 a.m.

Scruffy and his mam headed up the access ramp."



Team one black ear passed by.

They chatted briefly.

Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog headed to the beach.

Sea swimmers sat at the water's edge on their folding chairs.

Beach Buoy and the dogs headed south.
The tide was a fair way in.
They walked into a mild headwind.

A lady with a dog and a squeaky toy were up ahead.
A Parcel of Oyster Catchers almost skimmed the sea as they headed to the river to the south.

A man with a Labrador headed north.

Hundreds of rafting Gulls took flight.
They swooped around before heading west to the local tip (Dump.)

The lady with the dog and squeaky headed back northward.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat in the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

Beach Fisherman down below Stubborn Dog Stack.

The driftwood wedge about a metre long view.

Beach Buoy reached into his beach bag to have a closer look at a recent find.

The beach below 
To the north.

Slow walk back.

They stopped to chat to Mr. Gunn/Lunn and his excellent dog Alfie.

They went their separate ways.

Beach Buoy and the dogs headed to the van.

To the north, Team Mick Aston Jumper walked beach.

One of their dogs sniffed at a sea swimmer's pile of clothes.

It cocked a leg and peed.