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Saturday 17 August 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-50 a.m.

It was Sunny and a little bit hazy.
There was a nice refreshing breeze from the west.
A lady threw a ball from The Esplanade, onto the beach for her dog.

A large man carried a heavy-looking carrier bag.

It was a glorious day.
The tide was well out.
As far out as The Seaton Carew Wreck.

Team one black ear were heading back to the north.
The man with a Spaniel who once had  a Beagle walked them.
Beach Buoy added a wave for good luck.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.

The man with the carrier bag had headed to the sea.
Down his trunks, he headed quite far out into the sea.

A distant wave then a chat to Team Muzzled Dog.

The tall swimmer returned to his belongings that he had left in a pile on the beach.

Beach Buoy headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."
It was 7-25.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

The man who has three dogs headed south on the beach below.

One of the three dogs was black.
He seemed to be the leader of the other
 two ?

The sun was lovely.
The sea sparkled in the light like a  dance costume.

Another Dog seemed settled.
Laid in the sand, sniffing the air.

On the beach below, the tall swimmer just sat down on the beach.
He had picked a random spot .

"See you mate "
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back to the van.