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Sunday 18 August 2024


 Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the beach.

It was around 7 a.m.

Three men in blue shirts walked The Esplanade.

They were voicing their opinions.

Loudest talker won the argument.

Beach Buoy headed down the beach access ramp.
Team one black ear were just approaching it.
They chatted.

They went their separate ways 

The tide was way out 
A milky sun shone over the bay.

They headed south.

There was a lovely breeze from the south west.
The lady who walks the length of the beach was already returning northwards.

The Sea Serpent surfaced.

Team Muzzled Dog were way to the north.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog went to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."
It was 7-29.
He added some stones.
He patted

He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

Distant waves were shared as Team Muzzled Dog passed by on the beach below.

For a cat from Northumberland.

A couple stood in the sea, just below the stack.

A lady with three small dogs headed north.

A pod of well over a dozen dolphins  headed towards the river.
They were just behind the Sea Serpent Marker.
Beach Buoy tried taking photos but it was a nightmare, trying to time it correctly.
He took a couple of photographs, then just watched.
 A second, smaller pod of maybe six to eight headed south.

What a memorable morning.

"See you mate."
They headed back along the "easy" route.
They stopped to chat to one member of Team Florrie's Mum.

It was a lovely chat.
They went their separate ways.

A slow walk back.
He stopped to chat to Mr Gunn/Lunn.

Beach Buoy binned a beach clean before heading back to the van.