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Wednesday 28 August 2024



Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-24 p.m.
A metal detectorist scanned the water's edge.
Each to their own.

A beach fisherman headed to the sea. 
His Jack Russell dog scampered behind.

There was a slight but warm breeze from the south west.
It had been a warm, slightly muggy day.
Recent rain hadn't cooled things at all as it can do at times.
A small red ship that was almost a boat, headed into The Tees.
Three keep-fitters ran southwards along the energy-sapping dune heights.

Beach Buoy and the dogs headed south.
For a moment the dull evening glowed like mid-day.

The sand glowed, giving a wonderful contrast to the sky beyond.
It faded once more.

Out in the bay, a bigger ship took aim at The Gares.

A chatty couple with two yapping dogs had joined the trek southwards.

Beach Buoy and the dogs climbed the big slope.
They walked the "easy" route.

Beach Buoy corrected himself.
"Evening Mate."
He patted 
He added some stones.
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He sipped fizzy water.

Borrowed Dog likes to be close.
Very close.

The beach fisherman and his dog were slowly working their way southwards.
The tide was coming in.
They had to move once more.

It was peaceful up at the stack.
A sandy sanctuary.

There were lots of tiny flies around.
The Sand Martins were nowhere to be seen.

The beach fisherman had moved to a point, just south of Stubborn Dog Stack.

A couple headed south.
No dog.
Another couple headed south.
No dog.

Eight Yachts tilted out in the bay.

"See you mate."

Beach Buoy stood to go...


Always lovely to see.

A dramatic sky and a somewhat less dramatic fisherman were under the colourful and complete arc.

Rainbow and The Sea Serpent Marker.

Back to the beach and a slow walk back.
They followed the tracks as they often do.

Horse and rider to the north.
The sun returned.
The colour of the horse shone in the light.
A beautiful chestnut brown.

Beach Buoy listened to an imaginary horse race commentary.
"Here we are for this year's Mermaid Cup.
It's Pot of Gold out in the lead.
Walk the Dog in second place..."

Back in the real world, Beach Buoy and the dogs headed back to the van.
Two lads had a small beach bonfire. It crackled , south like sticks snapping.
They both coughed in the swirling smoke.
Lesson one;
Check wind direction.

Nearby a previous, but only partially burnt beach bonfire looked like a Sleeping Seal.

They returned to the van.
Beach Buoy sat in the front, windows down.
It was still warm 

A young lady hurried northwards along The Esplanade.

She stopped and turned back, facing south.

"I live here!"

So do l, thought Beach Buoy but l don't go shouting about it.

She shouted once more.



"Do you have my phone?"


Reassured, the young lady turned to continue her rush.