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Friday 15 January 2021


It was a Friday Afternoon.

No early beach tomorrow.

Beach Buoy will be at work as beach regulars walk the walk.

The beach will go on as if he was never there, excepting maybe for a pile of stones on the dune edge.

Always grab a beach when you can, and one day never ever dare let go.

It was 4-04 pm.

They headed down the sloping access ramp to the beach.

The sand was frozen, underfoot the sand felt the same as the concrete that preceded it.

The sun was beginning to set, turning the sky to the colour of the inside of a creme egg.

They headed to the water's edge in search of softer sand and a face full of sea.

It was a fairly short walk as the tide was well in today.

The beach looked a little busier to the south, considering the temperature and it being towards the end of the daylight.

They faced the sea.

Beach Buoy stared at the sea.

The sea stared back.

The scene was pale and calm.

The sea shimmered, looking like metallic style Christmas wrapping paper.

An Aeroplane's vapour trail stretched across the bay.

The Aeroplane had long gone, but the trail hung there, still in the cold air.

The dark colour of the trail looked a little odd.

The sand turned to shingle down to the south end of the beach.

This gave Beach Buoy a wide choice of stones to select the ones he wanted to add to the the stack.

Stones in hand he headed for for the stack with Stubborn Dog in tow.

The dune edge was frozen solid and dusted with frost.

They scaled the dune and stacked the stacked.

It was 4-34pm and still light.

They slipped the slippery slope back to the beach, using frozen footsteps of others as an icy staircase.

They began to head back to the the north.

The sea comes with each tide and leaves its signature in the form of a  strand line; each one different and always impossible to read.

It was a slow walk back.

It was a very slow walk back.

There was no rush

At one point the sea did rush in a little, Stubborn Dog almost broke into a walk to escape a soaking.

They were more than half way back when the light showed signs of fading.

The moon shone a thin crooked smile from 2 to 7 o'clock.

On the sea front, car tail lights became more vibrant. headlight flickered along the front thanks to the Promenade handrails.

They headed back to the van.

Parents tried to tempt children from the darkening dunes by saying 

'The Chocolate Van is here.'

The lights of The Hungry Seagull tempted moth-like coffee drinkers, some still queued in the dark.

They sat in the van a short while.

A dog walked by , surprised to see his shadow.

The Dog stared at the shadow, the shadow stared back.

Time to go.

Liz O'Neill has completed another painting inspired by Seaton Carew and its Bay.

The photgraph below was blowed a few days ago.

Liz has done the excellent painting below.

There was low cloud on the horizon that day.

It always looks like a far off land has suddenly become visible, tempting the on-lookers to come explore.

A land of mystery and intrigue.

Once more we have three seagulls.
