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Tuesday 26 January 2021


Beach Buoy took a coffee and a Stubborn Dog to the Beach Car Park.

He took a few sips from the thermal cup.

He resealed the lid.

They headed out to the Promenade.

It was 3-37 pm.

There was light rain.

Beach Buoy pulled two hoods up.

Stubborn Dog wasn't too fussed about heading down the access ramp.

Once tempted they made their way down.

A Spaniel came up to see if Stubborn Dog's rear end was the missing piece of his nose jig saw; it wasn't

There was a chilly breeze from the west, it pushed the light cold rain across the dunes out onto the beach.

The beach wasn't vast today due to the tide being more in than it was out.

The sea was dishwater grey.

The sky wasn't much different.

The only colour on a grey day was the bubbles in the sea foam on the water's edge.

They rolled up onto the beach like little curved 

stained glass windows.

Bubble after bubble popped, then it was back to a grey day.

They continued to the south.

The sea seemed a little rougher at this end of the beach.

As he walked, Beach Buoy tilted his head towards the sea to shelter himself from the rain and wind.

A red ship tried to add a little more colour to the days it aimed itself at The Gares either side of the River-mouth.

A Cormorant struggled to fly south, as Cormorants tend to do.

He looked weighed down with worry.

Beach Buoy paused looking at the sea a while before collecting six fist size beach stones for the stack.

Another pause later and they were heading back by the water's edge.

Beach Buoy had beach combed a little but piece after piece of sea pottery was just plain white. 

He found a lucky stone.

You'll know one when you find one..

Beach Buoy was told as a child, throw it over your shoulder, then take ten paces and there would be treasure waiting.

Beach Buoy threw the stone then counted out ten steps, he stopped and looked down and there it was!...

His right foot.


They headed back to the van.

The beach was almost empty.

He closed the van door and eagerly drank the warm coffee as the rain increased, bouncing on the metal roof.

The Coffee tasted better, warmer.