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Tuesday 7 May 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 7-20 p.m.

The tide was well out.
People and dogs were drifting northwards.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
Little Terns chattered.
Skylarks sang.
Around ten Sand Martins escorted them along the way. They had varied usual dune edge flight path, swooping over the strand-line.
A Lone Oyster Catcher whistled for full time down by the sea.
A jogger jogged.
A Grey Ship left the river behind as it set off for the horizon.

View from the big slope.
They headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Evening Mate."
It was 7-51.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

Another Dog two young ladies approach with their dog.
They were heading south.
"Hi, there."

Beach Buoy decided to head back north.
He could drink coffee as he walked.
It was a good call.
The stack passers also returned north not long afterwards.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back north.
A cloud-filtered Sun looked like a the Moon.

A kestrel worked the dune edged.

The elderly man with an elderly greyhound headed south near the water's edge.