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Sunday 19 May 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-24 a.m.
The air was damp with a breeze from the north.

They had a brief chat to Scruffy the whispy dog's mam.

They went to catch up the 7 a.m. club.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the sea.

A metal detectorist...

They headed south 
A Little Tern chattered just overhead as it returned to the nest site.

They walked the "easy" route. 

He lady who walks the length of the beach did so down on the beach below.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones, five in total.
He patted 

He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
The Gulls seemed to be putting on an aerial display.
He drank coffee.

"See you mate."

Beach Buoy had decided to carry on southwards.
 He checked the view north before doing so.

As Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked the dune edge, Mr.Gunn/Lunn passed by on the beach below with Alfie 
Distant waves were shared.

Beach Buoy did a shingle search.

From a distance, a glass fishing float.
It was a dog toy.

Too heavy to take back along the length of the beach.

Beach Buoy tipped it beyond the grey rocks.
A few days later he was pleased to see that someone had put it near a bin over near the Blue Lagoon.

They headed back northwards.

Driftwood and the Sea Serpent Marker.

People were few and far between.

Trapped Beach water on a slow walk back.

Back to the van.

Not Beach Buoy passed by as a birdwatcher studied the Little Terns.