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Friday 10 May 2024


 Beach Buoy woke at 4-50 a.m.

Sunrise was to be at 5-07.

He didn't rush.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 5-50.
They headed to the sea.
The sight and sound of Little Terns filled the air. 

The tide was well in.
The air was still.
No coat.
No snood.
No problem.

Beach Buoy watched as a camera-shy Seal arched its back before disappearing below the sea.

They ambled along the water's edge, heading south to Stubborn Dog Stack.

The Sea Serpent frolicked in the bay as an unsuspecting ship passed by.

Upon reaching the stack, Beach Buoy placed his Mari stone alongside the slate for little Hugo on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

"Morning Mate."
He patted 
He added more stones to the stack.


He sat drinking coffee.

He enjoyed the company of the birds.
Sand Martins.
Little Terns.
Four Geese, that crossed the dune edge, heading inland.
Beach Buoy pictured Mari running up and down the beach and dunes.
Happy times.
Beach Buoy stood to go.
He stretched like a Wind Turbine, as he often does.
"See you mate "

A slow walk back.
He stopped to chat to Mr.Gunn/Lunn.

He stopped to chat to Purdy's mam.
He headed to the access ramp.
A drone flew just overhead.
Surely too low and too near the nest site?

Beach Buoy stood and took the operators photo.
The gentleman left.

Beach Buoy