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Thursday 30 May 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog arrived 
 at 6-10 a.m.
A fresh breeze blew from the north.
It was cloudy.
Earlier sunshine had gone, thankfully overnight rain had too. 

A man and his boxer dog walk to the sea.
The 7 a.m. club gave a distant wave 
"Morning Paul!"

Nosey teenagers were up in the dunes.
Two, making the noise of twelve.

The 7 a m. Club has carried on to the tank traps.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog climbed the Big Slope.
A towel lay on the strand-line.
It was as abandoned as it was colourful.
A Sand Martin sang overhead which seemed nice but unusual.
The 7 a.m. club returned north.
More Sand Martins arrived.
They filled the air with nothing and flight.

A  Lone Oyster Catcher whistled like a builder on a Friday afternoon, down on the beach below.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He sat with a coffee on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

Another Dog.

Coffee view.
Cost a nothing.

The lady who walks the length of the beach, turned to head back.
The big coat was back in use.

"See you mate."

They returned to the beach.
A slow walk back.

Team three Dogs passed by.

They went their separate ways.
Up on The Esplanade, Beach Buoy talked to Team Muzzled Dog and Purdy's mam too.