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Thursday 2 May 2024



The Princess and the pea.

Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog parked up in Seaton Park Car Park.
Beach Buoy set the two hour parking disc, laying it olin plain view. 
They took the short walk to the beach, arriving at 8-59 a.m.

It was bright with a breeze from the north.
It looked like the tide was coming in?
It was still a fair way out.
As they walked southwards, it felt like the sea was rushing in to meet an old friend.
It was.

Little Terns swooped and chatted overhead.

The climbed the slope.
They walked the "easy" route.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
It was 9-24.
Beach Buoy sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long as he drank coffee.
The breeze was stronger up on the dunes.
It felt quite bracing.

The sea felt bigger today somehow.
Maybe it was just a sense of freedom?

Beach Buoy felt like could pop up a pop-up tent and stay for ages...

A stranger approached.
"Yes are you?"
"Fine thanks."
The stranger drifted off like sleep into the dunes and away.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and the set off northwards.

The beach looked quiet enough.

They headed back with a Crow for company.

The Little Tern Site.

The walked by the beating site with the sea for company.

They passed the Beach Huts.
They never seemed to reach their full potential?
Team Distant Wave are hoping to open them up as a beach school soon.