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Thursday 9 May 2024


 Beach Buoy had been up since 3-15.

Beach Buoy drove off the drive at 4-50 a.m.

One half of the Beachcombing Border Collie Couple was walking their dog around the block.

They reached the beach car park at 4-55 a.m..
They went down the beach access ramp.

They headed to the water's edge.
 A grey sea folded under a grey sky.
It was mild.

The sunrise was a non event.

The man with a Rucksack and a Rottweiler was down the water's edge.
Another man turned up with his dog.

Two hoods went up.
It was all a bit busy for such an early beach. 
Beach Buoy was a bit out of sorts.
He plonked himself down in the sand at the start of the dunes .
He watched the others walk the beach.

In time they walked the water's edge.
Little Terns dipped to kiss the sea.
Sand Martins worked the dune edge.

The Sea Serpent sailed one of the seven seas.
The joy of being there was perfectly balanced by the sadness of the times that he wasn't.
A Parcel of Oyster Catchers skimmed the sea as they headed for the river.

5-59 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He drank coffee on the driftwood wedge about a metre walk.

Blah blah blah.

"So nice up here."

A Lone Oyster Catcher went looking for a first class stamp.

"See you mate."
They went back to the beach.

Beach Buoy chatted to team one black ear.

The 7 a.m. club approached.
Scruffy the whispy dog had come along too.
"Paul, l've lost the big poodle.
Can't speak."
It was like being told that the sea wouldn't be back again.
Beach Buoy said how sorry he was.
What a wonderful dog she was.

Beach Buoy went back to the van for a coffee.
In time Scruffy's owner came to the van.
She had wanted a campervan all of her life.
She had been looking at a VW caddy.