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Friday 26 April 2024



Beach Buoy went to the beach alone.
Another Dog is a strange one.
She always seems reluctant to go for a walk. She always enjoys it when she is out.
This morning she had almost bolted herself to her bed.
Beach Buoy let her sleep.
He arrived at the beach car park at 6-58 a.m.
It was overcast.
The was a chill, blowing from the north.

The tide was well in.
The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were already ahead with a guest dog too.

Beach Buoy walked the water's edge.
It was odd, not having a dog alongside.

A hint of a rainbow.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added four stones.
He patted 

He sat on a driftwood wedge about a metre long.
Coffee with a side order of sea.
Beach Buoy watched as rainfall to the south headed for Redcar and Saltburn.
The slightest spell of rain fell on the stack.
It passed.

A Gull headed north, seemingly kissing the horizon as it did so.

Beach Buoy stood to watch the sea.
The peaks and troughs.
Like life's ups and downs.
A life that's ending it's final phase. 
Mr. Gunn/Lunn headed south on the beach below with his excellent dog, Alfie.

Best seat in the world.
"See you mate."
Evening when alone, he wasn't.

Beach Buoy headed back along the "easy" route.

A slow walk back.
Beach Buoy met up with Team Muzzled Dog.
They had been on holiday.
Muzzle Dog was muzzle free on holiday as no rabbits to chase.
Muzzle Dog came over.
First ever neck scratch.
The big dog leaned against Beach Buoy's leg.
Maybe it because Beach Buoy was dogless?

Team Mick Aston Jumper split into two camps as they approached.
"Is you dog alright?"
"Yes, just lazy.
Thanks for asking."

"They didn't dare ask just incase."
The lady pointed to the others if her group."

Beach Buoy headed back to the van.