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Friday 5 April 2024


Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog reached the beach at 5-05 p.m.
Two teenagers were having a driftwood sword fight on the northerly access ramp.

A strong wind blew from the west.
It carried the aroma of three seafront fish and chips shops across the beach and out to sea.
Salt and vinegar gusts.
Borrowed Dog was visibly over the moon to be along for the walk.

The tide looked to be more out than it was in, although The Seaton Carew Wreck was still at sea.

The young lady with a Yorkshire Terrier headed south.

Sea pottery.

Beach Buoy and the dogs headed towards the long slope up to the dunes.
Laughter of half-terms girls drew half-term boys up onto the dunes to the north.

A man with a Pug walked north along the water's edge.

A man with a Spaniel walked north along the strand-line.

Beach Buoy and the dogs crossed the grey rocks.
The rocks were exposed so much more to the north now.

They climbed the long slope.

Beach Buoy looked south along the "easy" route.
Not too far in the distance to the west, in long grass that wasn't quite long enough. A biology lesson was taking place.
A pair of bare knees and a matching bare bottom.
Luckily the route to Stubborn Dog Stack is to the east.
It also drops down to a lower level, saving all concerned any embarrassment.

"Afternoon Mate." 
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat with his dogs and coffee.

Borrowed Dog is such a loving dog.
He seemed to be saying thanks for the walk 
Thanks for letting me come to see Stubborn Dog.

On the beach below, one man and his dog headed back to the village.
Beach Buoy and the dogs did likewise.
"See you mate."

They walked the blustery beach.

The wreck was on show now.
The tide was heading out.
Beyond the wreck, two surfers made use of the breaking waves.
Beach Buoy wondered what sailors of old would make of it all?

A very delicate piece of sea pottery.
It's curves suggested that it was once a tea cup?

As they left, a photographer with tripod headed for the sitting duck of a wreck