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Wednesday 3 January 2024


 Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog drove to Seaton Park Car Park.

They passed Dottie Dog and Mam, who were heading back home. 

Distant, mobile waves were shared.

It was 3-47 p.m.when they parked up.

A few minutes afterwards they were on the beach. 

It was overcast.

It was a calm afternoon but the sea seemed to be so angry.

The tide was a fair way out.
People were few and far between.

They headed south.
A Dad and lad at the water's edge, were almost caught out by a rush of sea water.
They were fine.
Someone had written in the sand.
It went like this ..

Willow and Mam
Poo/Poo EL£6😟♥️

Beach Buoy and the dogs continued southwards.
They wouldn't make it to Stubborn Stack this afternoon.
They returned north. 

A Spaniel dropped a tennis ball at the feet of another couple of beach walkers. 
"He's anyone's for a thrown ball."

Beach Buoy and the dogs joined the Promenade.
They headed to the Village Green.

The Village Green Bus Stop, for a drawing later.