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Friday 19 January 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog hit the beach at 3-35p.m.

The tide was well out. 
There was a chilled breeze from the south.
Two people and their dogs walked north on the water's edge.

A man with a stick, walked by the sea.

The Sun made a fuss as it began to set behind The Esplanade.

Two more walked the water's edge.

Beach Buoy took a sip of coffee from his thermal mug.
He hadn't had a warm drink since before work at 7 a.m.

Frost lay along the beach up near the dunes where no sun had shone.

Beach Buoy had two hoods up.
His hands were buried deep in trouser pockets. 

A man rode northwards on his bicycle.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Afternoon Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones. 
He patted
He sat on the wobbly driftwood plank.
He drank wobbly driftwood coffee.

He watched the bay begin to turn into evening.

"See you mate."

They began a slow walk back. 

The fading light and incoming tide conspired to claim the wreck as theirs once more. 

By 5 p.m. Beach Buoy and Another Dog were up near the Beach Huts.

Four men were jogging northwards side by side.
A little dog had joined them. 
It's owner was having no success in shouting it back.
The four men turned as one towards the owner.
The dog followed.
The thankful owner put the dog on a lead.
The four men turned once more, back to the north.
It was quite funny to see.
Like a carefully choreographed routine.