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Sunday 16 October 2022


Beach Buoy doesn't have somewhere like Stubborn Dog Stack to visit Bonnie.

In truth, every beach visit she is with him.

They had many great days together there.

Her lead clip is on his bunch of keys.

In a hazy half dream half awake state he "saw." her for the first time since she had died.
She was a lovely dog .
She was over twenty years old when she walked her last beach.

As usual Beach Buoy was up and about quite early.
Another Dog slept on Beach Buoy's leg as he had a drink of coffee.
She is a lovely dog too.

Beach Buoy went to the long narrow window that looks in the direction of the sea.
The sea can't be seen, just the sky. 
Beach Buoy looked to the colour of the sky for a guide as to how the bay was weather-wise.

They arrived at the beach car park
at 6-50 a.m. 
It was still quite dark.
Beach Buoy turned on some dashboard fairy lights. 
A council truck travelled the promenade, emptying bins as it progressed.
It's orange flashing lights added to the colourful theme of the early start to the day.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the water's edge. 

It was chilly.
Hoods went up.

They headed towards Stubborn Dog Stack.
Beach Buoy didn't want to disturb the shoreline Gulls so they took to the dune edge. 

A couple of the couples headed south on the water's edge.
The men led the way,  talking man stuff. 

The Sea Serpent rolled in the bay with Gulls for company.

Up at Stubborn Dog Stack, Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
"Morning Mate."
It was 7-27 a.m.

The sun showed up as a ship slipped the grasp of the Gares.

"See you mate."
Back to the beach.

They headed back.
Hugo, the big friendly dog came over with his mate the Pug.
The Distant wave lady and her mam passed by.
"Morning Paul."

The Promenade Wall.

A dug hole.

They headed off.