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Wednesday 2 March 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog rolled into the beach car park at 3-46 p.m.

It was bright.
83% clear sky.
17% cloud.
The tide was more in than it was out by quite a margin.
There was a slight but fresh breeze off the sea.
They headed down the access ramp.
Two ladies with their off -the-lead dogs were leaving.

They headed south.

To the north the beach was very quiet.
They carried on south, towards
Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Afternoon Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He drank coffee from a thermal mug.
The Bay's Wind Turbines seemed to be standing on tip toes as if wanting to see what was on the horizon.
Maybe its best not knowing.
The world is ran by the very worst of men.
Only one man.
Only one leader shines brightly.

 They headed back to sea.
Beach Buoy sipped the remainder of the coffee as they walked along.
There was something special about having a warm drink with a fresh sea breeze as a side order.

Gulls had been invited over to have high tea on the high tide with The Sea Serpent.

A couple with a black and white Border Collie passed by.
Alfie the Collie came to say hello.
Another Dog stood on her back legs to give the larger dog a big hug.
The couple laughed.
"C'mon Alfie."
A man and dog approached.
Another Dog applied the brakes, leaving Stubborn Dog style drag lines in the sand.
The man laughed.
"You'll have to get it some skis."

Down at the water's edge a man with a throwing stick ball launcher threw a ball for a chasing Labrador.

A couple with three Dachshunds, dashed for the dunes.

They had almost reached the end of their walk.
A man walked south as he messaged on his mobile phone.
His late afternoon shadow desperately tried to reach the sea.
It looked like a returning message had caused a change of plan?
The man turned and headed for the car park.
The man's shadow seemed to slump.
All this way and never even got to go in the water.