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Sunday 27 February 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the beach at 4-20 p.m.
It had been sunny all day.
The morning breeze had become a wind.
A wind from the south east.
Shifting sands snaked like a sneaking Russian from the dunes.

The tide was a fair way out.
The sky was so clear, truly not a cloud in sight .
The water's edge belonged to a jogger and a Parcel of Oyster Catchers.

Beach Buoy was about to head up to
Stubborn Dog Stack
when he noticed two people up at the stack.
One seemed to crouch down, possibly reading the names of lost pets.
Beach Buoy had offered to paint names of lost pets from around the world on suitable beach stones. 
They range from Australia to America and of course more local ones too.
The couple headed south towards the river.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up to the stack.

Beach Buoy added some stones and patted
"Afternoon Mate."
Someone had added a wooden marker.
perhaps the couple who had just been at the stack?
They stayed a while they started to head to North Gare Pier.
Beach Buoy sipped coffee every now and then as they walked.
The wind was could and although it couldn't be described as biting it was certainly having a nibble.
Gloved hands went into pockets.
Two hoods were up.

They headed back.
A lady with two Labradors headed south.
One Cream.
One Chocolate.
The parcel of Oyster Catchers that had seemed determined to stay put,took flight, powered by a Brown Waggy Spaniel in hot pursuit.

The couple that had been up at the stack, were now heading back at a quicker pace than Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

They headed back to the van.