Storm Dudley had almost blown itself out by the time Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach.
It was a Thursday after-work walk.
It was 3-40 p.m.
It was still blowy.
Gulls sat bobbing out in the bay, waiting for the wind to drop a little more before taking flight.
They headed south.
To the north people did beachy themed things.
The tide was wet in.
Beach Buoy stood watching a Gull that had taken flight almost surf along the top of a breaking wave.
The wave broke.
The bird soared into the air, then dropped to "Surf." once more.
It really did look like the bird was playing.
It was lovely to see.
Another treasured memory.
They headed to
Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Afternoon Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones and patted
He watched the sea ripple.
It looked like a metallic Royal Blue sheet made from silk that was rippling in the wind.
"See you mate."
They walked the dune edge a short while, before rejoining the beach.
The tide had peaked.
It was a slow but enjoyable walk back.