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Thursday 31 March 2022


It was the last day of free parking for a few months.

Payment required from 9 a.m to 6 p.m.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog

arrived at 5.

More of the mobile fairground had arrived, the closed up domes looking like mushrooms that had grown on the former putting green.

It was one of those days when the clouds fly by.

Where sunlight comes and goes in an instant.

The wind was cold and strong from the north.

Beach Buoy had reversed the van into their usual spot so that the van's side door was sheltered.

Nearby an AA repair man tried to fix a small broken down red car. The anxious owner looked over the AA man's shoulder to see how things were going, or not as the case may be.

They walked the water's edge.

The tide was on the way out, having not long turned.

The light was as bright as the wind was cold.

Freshly delivered sea foam shivered in the wind before running south in search of cover.

The height of the tide meant that the beach narrowed as the water's edge, strand line and dune edge all became one.

An imagined Post Card from Seaton Carew.

Having a lovely time.

Been four seasons in one day here.

Hope you are ok?

Can you post Norma's birthday card for me?

Its near the kettle.

It has a stamp on but l forgot to bring it to post it from here.

You know what she's like.

They headed up to 

Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Afternoon Mate."

Beach Buoy added some stones.

He patted



He watched the sea.

Even the horizon was a jagged line thanks to the rough sea.

They watched as a red ship left the River.

It rocked to and fro in the choppy sea.

It turned right to head south.

As it went side on to the wind, it rocked from side to side too.

"See you mate."

They headed back to the beach.

 The light kept on coming and going as clouds passed.
One particular cloud, in the shape of a clenched fist came to block the sunlight.
The wind altered the shape of the cloud to that of an open hand.
It offered them the sun 
A dog owner ran south with his pet, powered by the strong wind.