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Saturday 13 March 2021


Beach Buoy woke.

He figured out that it was a Saturday Morning.

He can't start that last line with"Half asleep.....' as he was wide awake.

It was 3-30am.

It had already became Saturday, when he had gone to bed.

He knew instantly that there would be no more sleep that day.

By 4 -05 am, a pan of milk was warming on the stove.

A milky Coffee is Beach Buoy's go to drink when he is up at daft o'clock.

It is not drank in the hope that sleep would follow.

It's just the way it is.

Rainfall was bouncing.

Beach  Buoy went to the computer to do some blog work, to pass the time.

Sunrise would be at 6-26.

The sound of the rain hinted at a hidden sunrise, to be honest more shouted than hinted.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached the car park at 6-18 am

They headed for the sea.

It was a stoney walk, as much of the soft surface sand had been claimed by recent strong winds.

The sea and sky were grey.

Orange lights flashed down towards the seafront village green as council workers and their vehicles  milled around  emptying bins and the like.

The lights of a nearby Zebra Crossing joined in the citrus coloured display. 

They headed south.

6-26 came and went.

There would be no visible sunrise this morning.

They would have to make do with the light show to the north.

They zig-zagged between the strand line and the water's edge.

They chatted briefly with a beach regular who was heading back to his van to the North.

The tide was well out.

Sea coal ran to the south, then faded.

They headed along the dune edge and up to the stack.

Once the stack was stacked they returned to the beach and continued to head south..... towards North Gare Pier.

A glance back to the north showed that for now 

the beach was theirs.

Out in the Bay, a ship took aim at The Gares and prepared to enter the River.

They searched the shingle in and around the Tank Traps.

A Blue Sea alley their reward for slipping and sliding on the wet grey rocks.

They climbed the dunes as they headed for North Gare Beach.
Beach Buoy paused to look out to sea.
This is the view that the Sand Martins  will have when they make the dune bank their home for the summer.
Apologies for the Camel photobombing the scene.

The ship seen earlier had by now entered the River Tees.

Three Tugs guided it into Port; one at the front, two at the back.

They walked the edge of the drained Blue Lagoon as they headed for the riverside.

The sea would return soon enough, the Lagoon would be Blue once more.

A carpet of sea coal lay before them.

A band of light appeared to the west giving the drained lagoon an eerie look.

Looked like an illegal fish trap?

Beach Buoy collected it to be beach cleaned.

It was awkward to carry.

Beach Buoy tried to tie it all together but every now and then it would all uncoil.

It was like some sort of mad jack in a box.

A Young Seal lay dead nearby.

They headed back to Seaton Sands.

The fish trap uncoiled once more.

Meanwhile Stubborn Dog was thinking....

'What a stupid time to take Concertina Lessons!'

Some Crows patrolled the dune edge looking like Goth Seagulls.

A Stubborn Dog face cloud hung over the Village.

The sea alley was a keeper but Beach Buoy left the few sea pottery finds behind for others.

As they reached the Promenade , Beach Buoy binned the fish trap, before heading to the van.


Beach Buoy sipped hot coffee as the world and the Promenade people passed by.

He would return later in the day just to sit and look at the sea for a few minutes after some essential shopping.

Couples with dogs were coming and going.

It was all a bit busy.

Beach Buoy only stayed a minute or two.