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Sunday 14 March 2021


Beach Buoy had headed for bed at 12 -55 am.

He woke at Subaru o'clock  (5-55am)

By 6-17 he was sipping coffee in the van at the beach car park.

By 6-24 he and Stubborn Dog were down at the water's edge, watching the sunrise.

Others were there to watch the sunrise too.

Some sat on the dune edge with blankets wrapped around their shoulders.

It was fresh, with a cold breeze from the west.

Others had opted for a driftwood piece to sit on.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog were upright, headed south.

They chatted briefly, discussing a brighter start to the day with a beach regular whom was heading north.

Sunrise truly is a magical time.

They  gradually headed up to the strand line, leaving the water's edge behind for now.

The bright early morning Sun sent long shadows up towards the dune edge.

There was lots of driftwood up on the strand line, each a calling card for Stubborn Dog to pay a visit to.

A Contoured Beach seemed reluctant to let the sea go?

Beach Buoy thought that sunglasses and a pair of gloves wouldn't have gone amiss this morning.

An odd combination perhaps, but they would have come in handy.

Pockets and a squint would have to suffice.

A Large but friendly dog came over.

"SORRY!" shouted the owner.

"It's ok." came the reply.

They collected some stones and went up to stack the stack

The "Sorry." Lady and her dog had sat down in front of the grey rocks.

Beach Buoy didn't want to disturb them, so he and Stubborn Dog continued south via the dune edge.

Stubborn Dog gained a height advantage in the beach tug-of-war.

The Sand Bank that will be home to the Sand Martins.

Relentless wet weather last year led to the bank collapsing.

You can still see the fallen sand at the base.

Birds and eggs must have been lost in the fall?

It was just after 7 am.

The Skylarks burst into song overhead.

They headed over the pier, to North Gare Beach.

There were Skylarks here too.

Did they rise and sing to tempt Beach Buoy away from a nest?

They headed down onto the Blue Lagoon part of the beach.

They paid the riverside a visit.

Eventually they returned to the pier via the dunes at

 the south side of the Pier.

Then it was back to Hartlepool Bay.

As it seems to do at this time of year 

a once Golden Sun turned silver.

A couple were up ahead to the north.

The lady had bright yellow wellingtons and bright yellow coat on.

She looked like a member of a life boat crew, she wasn't.

The beach was becoming busier.

Joggers passed either side of Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog, each running in opposite directions.

One snorted his nose as he ran by.

Two Coffee Drinkers walked the water's edge, whilst a couple of other caffeine hungry walkers were up near the strand line.

It looked like a message had been put out on Bookface that a lost cargo of chocolate digestives had been recently been washed ashore.

 Beach Buoy placed Stubborn Dog in the van.

( After double checking that a lost cargo of Chocolate Digestives hadn't recently been washed ashore...)

A car pulled up alongside.

The driver opened the boot and pulled out a fishing rod that seemed to be almost twice the length of the car.

Perhaps he had opted for the Mary Poppins Limited Edition?

He headed off into the distance with various pieces of fishing equipment strapped to him or carried.


Later that day they sat in the van.

Stubborn Dog slept at Beach Buoy's side, covered with a blanket to keep him warm and cosy.


Beach Buoy flicked through a book.
As he did he wondered what might be or might never be.