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Saturday 20 March 2021


Beach Buoy woke at 4-41 am
The street birds were singing.
Beach Buoy gathered together some beach items and generally faffed for a while.
When it was time to set off Stubborn Dog wasn't keen.
The little dog opened one eye as if to say

'Out in the van for a walk?'
The dog closed the open eye and opened the closed.
He reminded Beach Buoy of a broken ventriloquist's doll.
Eventually Stubborn Dog made a move after being promised a
 Gottle of Geer.
They began the short drive to the beach.
It was that time of year, that time of morning were the street lights were turning off as they passed beneath them.
Like a Billie Jean Music Video in reverse.
They reached the car park at 5-47 am
Stubborn Dog did his ventriloquist's  act once more.

They eventually headed for the beach with Stubborn Dog being peeled from the back seat of the van at around 6 am.

Sunrise was to be at 6-09am.
It was cloudy.
It was quite mild for an early morning in mid-march. 

Beach Buoy set off carrying Stubborn Dog to the beach as two old men passed by on the promenade with their Dog, Alfie.

"He said sorry dad."
" Well that's  fair enough."
The men were deep in conversation as they turned 180 degrees at the end of the promenade.
The talk and the walk headed in a different direction, Alfie trotted along behind.

A dozen Oyster Catchers  flew in a westerly direction overhead  as Beach Buoy plonked plonker onto the sand.
They had only walked a few steps before around another dozen Oyster Catchers followed the others to the west.

To the north a Murder of Crows were camouflaged on a strip of sea coal, plotting. 
The moment of sunrise came and went.
Cloud had claimed  the sky.
Oddly there was a light to the west that looked a little like a sunset.

An aeroplane unzipped the sky in an unsuccessful search for the Sun.

A beach regular approached from the north.
Stubborn Dog broke into a trot to say hello...
that's him going to the vets then.

They followed some tracks that seemed to lead directly to the stack.

A Jogger passed them as they passed some driftwood.

They stacked the stack at 6-45 am to a soundtrack of Skylarks.
Due to the height of the tide there was no beach access to Sand Martin Corner.
They headed off to the south via the dunes.

Driftwood stood upright in the dunes looked like a man, watching and waiting.
Beyond "Him" a combination of industrial  smoke and mist gave the Cleveland Hills a snowy appearance.

They checked Sand Martin Corner for finds and more importantly 
Sand Martins.

The River Tees beckoned. 

Someone had asked a Blue Lagoon Question.....

The Crane and the Egret.

Beach Buoy sat by the river and recorded his finds.

One of which was found nearby, was a Fisherman's Priest.
They headed back to the bay...

A photographer with a lens long enough to be first in the queue at Verrill's on the Headland sat on the top of the Sand Martin's Bank.
They passed the stack at 8-10 am
The beach ahead looked fairly quiet.

Someone, who didn't want to come, didn't want to go.

8-28 am

Beach Buoy hadn't made a coffee to go so made a coffee to stay.

9-10 am; time to go..... as the sun showed up.

Beach Buoy had a "Proper" breakfast at Camp Drive.
(Biscuits for scale.)😉


He tidied the van.
Let's get ready to rumble....