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Monday 29 March 2021


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached the beach at 6-01pm.

There was a wind from the north west.

The tide had not long turned.

And....... there was a PRAT on the beach with a big dog on the loose.

Beach Buoy wont elaborate any further but what a clown.

A man dressed in hi-viz clothing laughed out loud at the Circus.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog walked the waters edge looking for finds.

An elegant black greyhound headed North, only its mouth was flecked with grey.

Eventually the Circus was over and the sun came out too for good measure.

Beach Buoy collected stones and stacked the stack.

They headed back.

Beach Buoy recorded the finds in the van.

The Devils toe nail

is also known as Gryphea

It is a Fossilised Oyster.

The odd stone is also a fossil

A Belemnite; an extinct Cephalpod.

Thanks to @ClartyFeet  for information.

Beach Buoy.