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Friday 5 June 2020


It was 6-45 pm.
Beach Buoy was sat in the back of the van with an impatient Stubborn Dog.
Beach Buoy was having a coffee whilst trying to figure out just what the weather was doing.
Bright Sunshine and in complete contrast, dark threatening clouds.

They headed for the beach.
Typically the clouds moved  south east and there was Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog wrapped up for a downpour.
As they say 'You can always take a coat off, but you can't put in on if you didn't bring it with you.'

The tides had been quite high recently.
The strand line stopped just short of the Little Tern nesting site.
It seems like even the sea didn't fancy paying the possible £20,000 fine for disturbing them?

They headed south as the clouds moved on.
A man in shorts and wearing headphones kicked a ball for a brown and white Border Collie.
The dog laid low, flat in the wet sand waiting for the moment of contact.

Not long after another man passed throwing a ball for his grey and white Collie.

Down at the sea, two shoeless ladies paddled in the refreshing North Sea.

The strand line was up as far as the dune edge, leaving behind lots of driftwood sticks as  a calling card.
As well as other 'Stuff.'
They stacked the stack a little more.
They will both be ending up here one day.
Sometimes it seems ok to have your shadows with you.

Beach Buoy had a stand and think, stood there like some  Sir Anthony Gormley Sculpture.

Time to go.....

Beach Buoy zigged as Stubborn Dog zagged.
It most probably made them cover three times the actual distance required?

Some of the other strand line 
Rough Seas here always bring
Disposable Lighters,
Blue Sponge Balls
Plastic Nurdles.

They arrived back at the van to the sound of some plank taking a couple of hundred miles off his car tyre tread.

Beach Buoy drank coffee as Stubborn Dog slept on the step area at the side door of the van.

Beach Buoy could have slept too to be honest; he was tired and the van is calming.
No early beach tomorrow; work beckons...