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Saturday 27 June 2020


They hadn't done the beach for days,
People had come to soak the rays.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 7-05 pm.
Beach Buoy had been to work.... again.
There had been tremendous thunder storms all afternoon.
(That is the first time ever Beach Buoy has written the word tremendous.)
The bottom of the beach ramp was flooded.
They headed for the gap in the promenade wall at the south end of the car park.
A moron skidded around the puddles in his little car that matched his manhood no doubt.
A rainbow flashed on and off over the dunes; coming and going as it pleased.

There was a pleasant breeze from the south west.
The heavy rain and the action of the tide had wiped away the many footprints of recent days visitors.
The tide was half in or half out depending on what sort of day you were having really.

Another rusting oil rig has turned up to die and be dismembered. 
A Skylark dropped like a stone as Beach Buoy took the photograph...so every cloud....
Speaking of clouds the ones to the west looked a little dark.

There were clouds of every shade all around to be honest.
A beach fisherman looked out to sea and kicked beach pebbles as he waited for a bite.

They headed up to the stack.

Looked like rain.

It was rain... as soon as they reached the end of their southerly trek this evening, the rain came.

Someone had drawn a face on some driftwood.
A horse?

They headed back.
They were wet.
It was ok Beach Buoy would rather be in a storm on a beach than with a shower.