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Wednesday 3 June 2020


Some days eh?
They parked up at 7-12pm.
Exactly the same time as yesterday.
After lots of warm wether, today was a slap in the face with a wet fish.
The wet fish was coming from the north, so Beach Buoy parked the van so that when the side door was open the van would have shelter inside.
The wind was strong and chilly.
Beach Buoy had made a coffee at base camp with the intention of drinking it in the van pre-beach.

A large horse box was parked nearby.
'Plenty of White horses in the sea tonight.'
 thought Beach Buoy.
Two horses appeared; one brown, the other white.
They were readied for a return to the horse box.

A car pulled up. The lady Driver went to the tailgate of the car.
She fought in the wind to put two coats on.
Once the battle was won, she went to side of the car and produced a dog and then a teenager with a football.
They all headed for the beach.

Beach Buoy shoved on a wooly hat and off they went too.

The wind blasted from the north as they headed south.
Half-way along the dunes,  two hoods went up.
It was a tail-wind so the hoods were going nowhere.
It would be a different story on the way back.
The hoods would become parachutes.
( As if Stubborn Dog didn't slow Beach Buoy down enough already!)
Heads would be bent at 90 degrees in an attempt to maintain good hood coverage on the way back.

A broken beach chair gave a sense of Summer being over before it had even started.

They headed south.

The two horses had left tell-tale tracks.
Some heading North....

... and some to the south.

They stacked the stack, up in the dunes.

The weather wasn't sure what to do for the best.
The Sun broke through at exactly the time raindrops arrived.
A Rainbow arced for the Sea Serpent to the River Tees.

They left the dunes behind and  headed north.
The wind began to increase in strength; rain coming?

'These boots could  do with a polish their

Time to step it out.....

The dark clouds were heading their way.The rain won the race , but Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog finished joint second.