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Wednesday 15 August 2018


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived in the Car Park at 5-07pm.
Free Parking starts at 6 and Beach Buoy begrudges paying to see the Sea. He needed to get to the Sea earlier tonight.
Seabirds stood in the Car Park checking their watches as he pulled up. One was taking bets  "3-1 he won't pay...."
Beach Buoy paid.
The tide was 50 / 50. Half in or half out, half full, half empty syndrome....
It was half in / half full.

Once again Saltburn took the Mick; bathed in sunshine.....

Whilst to the North Hartlepool's Headland disappeared into the gloom.... the rain came. Beach Buoy reached into his bag for his coat in  a bag ( A smaller bag in his big bag.) It had saved him a few time in unexpected showers.
He struggled in the strong South Westerly 
breeze to put the flimsy, flappy coat on.
Word must have spread about the Sun at Saltburn as many of the Seabirds seems to be crossing the Bay; South to Saltburn. It looked like hard work, flying with one wing (Suncream,Towel and Sunglasses under the other.)

Beach Buoy stopped opposite the Sea Serpent for a sit and think.
He sheltered the Tired, Damp Little Dog from the rain.
They sat there a while like fans at a rain soaked Punk Rock concert. ( The ill-fitting Black Coat flapped in the wind like a bin bag.)

A Ship sailed form the Tees as Stubborn Dog slept at Beach Buoy's feet.
Eventually the Sea claimed their spot.

There was a fair bit of Sea Pottery around tonight.
Beach Buoy left most of it.
He had found one piece  that looked like part of an American  Place name  printed on it and the numbers 1943.
The piece was flat. Beach Buoy skimmed it out to Sea, he got a three.
last time he had found something dated from the 1940's it ended up with a closed Beach and a controlled explosion by Bomb Disposal!

Driftwood on the way back.
Two joggers approached , together , but apart.
A football goal distance apart.

More driftwood; no joggers attached.

The weather cleared a little as did Beach Buoy's head....

Sea Coal..