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Sunday 5 August 2018


Beach Buoy arrived at 6-46 am.
Sadly, many plastic bottles glistened in the morning Sun; strewn across the Car Park. The Council Road sweeper truck drove around collecting them all eagerly with it's brushes spinning and scooping them up.
At the far end of the Car Park, a young couple were having a "Couple" talk. 
A Beach walker passed Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog with a bright "Morning!"
By 7-10 the 7 am club were present.

The Beach was more shaped and sculptured in recent years than Beach Buoy could ever remember. Today it actually looked like low and high tide rolled into one.
Up at the South End of the Beach an Old English Sheep Dog bounded about; its owner throwing a stick into the water for it.
Eventually they passed Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog  with a blokey "Morning."  The Dog came out of the Sea with it's stick and Beach Buoy pictured a sign on the Beach saying WET PAINT as a nod to a well known paint company. 

When Beach Buoy reached the Grey rocks, the tide was still too high there to go the Beach side of them. He decided to clamber over the rocks to get to North Gare Pier.
He was rewarded for his clamber by a  finding a Sea Alley.
Beach Buoy looked at the Sea and gave it a thought for a moment.
The fact that the land was limited; all of it edged by the Sea eventually, but the Sea; that was different story... Beach Buoy could hop into a Boat and sail to any Beach in the World; any Port. The Sea is basically one Big Road.

Although it was still early morning there was lots of heat in the wakening Sun; warming Beach Buoy's Well Worn face.

As he headed back and cleared the rocks stepping onto the Beach the 7am club were well away in the distance, returning from where they had come.
No neck rub for the Big friendly Poodle today.
The Sea was still so flat and as clear as a Focused Magnifying Glass.
Their shadows walked just ahead of Beach Buoy and his Dog. They were short shadows; highlighting just how high the Sun was already.

The Village Church Bells rang 8 as Beach Buoy found a Dead Dictionary.
A Couple approached with three dogs. One was waggy and the other two were very waggy.  Beyond them an Old Man with an Old Dog, unfolded a folding chair down near the water's edge.
He then slowly assembled a fishing rod

As they left the Beach a family group passed with a young child sat on a tiny pony; maybe one hand up from a Shetland Pony?

The walk was over.
Back to reality.....