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Friday 3 August 2018


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 19-41.
It was a warm night with every shade of cloud in the Sky somewhere.
The headed to the water's edge.

Rain fell out at Sea in four different locations.

They had only walked to the Sea and the Dog was flat out.
Instead of dragging him along Beach Buoy joined him. It was a bit of an odd place to set up Camp but Beach Buoy was totally exhausted anyway.
A Lone Sanderling scampered nearby.

The Village Church sounded out the arrival of 8 pm as Beach Buoy staggered up to move on....

The two headed South.
Beach Buoy looked out to Sea to see two Terns turning, to change direction mid-flight; one screeched and his mate did the same but at a lower tone in response.
The Sea was so calm, it lapped onto the Beach more like a Lake than a Sea.
Beach Buoy picked up some Sea Travelled Safety Spectacles as part of his Beach clean, nearby was a piece of Plain and Slightly Curved Pottery. He placed it into a curve formed by his Finger and Thumb and skimmed it into the Sea.
1,2,3,4,5 and 6.
He found another candidate
1,2, summersault, plop.

A large piece of driftwood looked very Reptilian .

They sat opposite The Sea Serpent once again, but tonight for the first, he could hear it Roar as it twisted and turned, offshore.

They headed back..
Would it rain?
The two got a soaking, but.........

The Sun made a late flourish.
A Harbour porpoise popped up, curved and disappeared just ahead of Beach Buoy
It surfaced three times in total and then it was gone.

Two Horse Riders went by.
"So peaceful." one of the said to Beach Buoy.
Beach Buoy mentioned the Porpoise, they said that they had seen it too.