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Saturday 4 August 2018


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at 6-41 am.
it was an hour or so to high tide.
The Short Short man was already heading South.

To the North three Border Collies and their two owners were leaving the Beach. One wet friendly Collie came to say hello.

The tides seems to be have been so similar lately, regardless  of what time Beach Buoy showed up. The Sea  was calm again, Seagulls sat bobbing on the Sea like Ducks on a Pond.

Four Cormorant headed North as they Hover-crafted over the Sea.
Beach Buoy stood looking at the Sea with his hands dug deep in his pockets, recalling brief encounters with a Porpoise. A new connection to the Sea after all this time. He would ever forget that night.
To the South, Short short man was sitting and thinking in Beach Buoy's sitting and thinking spot... but that was fine.

The Calmer Seas had made the larger driftwood pieces become some sort of Beach Art, they sat waiting for a Rough Sea to deliver them to their next exhibition.
As they reached the Grey Sea Defence Rocks, the Sun came out.
A Camouflaged man passed them, going North.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog climbed down the rocks a short distance and picked an spot to have a sit, opposite the Sea Serpent. From their vantage point they could see a Tent on the Dune edge; two men stood by a struggling fire on the Beach next to the tent. It turns out Camouflage Man was on a firewood hunt. To the North the 7am club were around halfway along the Beach. Camoflauge man headed back with stock and fed the fire as one companion watched and the other stood with arms folded; watching the Sea.

The Little dog wasn't happy with campers in the Dunes....

The Sea Serpent was audible again for only the second time. Maybe they had fitted a new pump / motor? or maybe the noise was an indication that it was indeed time for a new pump / motor?

A more selective Beach Buoy left finds for others as he walked back. The 7 am club large Poodle bounded over for its ritualistic  neck rub and seemed to enjoy it more than usual as it made eye contact with Beach Buoy as if to say "Thanks Mate!".

Beach Buoy carried on his merry way.  He glanced up to see two people on the water's edge. He looked away for a second or two and when he looked back they had gone?
They couldn't have gone to the Dunes so quickly?Blumming Time travellers coming here on our Beaches as if they owned the place. Maybe they did or do ... one Day.

Have a Wonderful Day.
Beach Buoy.