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Monday 20 August 2018


Flat out on his cushion.
He had been out with others today.
He would not budge.
Worn Out.
Beach Buoy said
Stubborn Dog did his Roger Moore impersonation by raising an eyebrow.
So off Beach Buoy went... (Dog-less.)

Beach Buoy arrived on Beach at 7-20 p.m.
The tide was well out.
There was a slight hint of drizzle for a short while but it cleared as he headed South.  A Couple were walking nearby, not parallel to but just slightly behind Beach Buoy.
A tall figure and a short figure.
Beach Buoy didn't stare, they just kept appearing in the corner of an eye.
From these slight glances Beach Buoy tried to figure them out.
Man, taller of there two?
Followed by shorter Woman.
Both definitely had hoods up, giving the impression of  couple of monks on a pilgrimage to North Gare.
Is this how Beach Buoy looks to others when he has his hood up?
After a while they slowed down, and eventually stopping short of their supposed destination a little like Stubborn Dog so often seems to want to do.

Beach Buoy carried on and came across this neater than usual sand writing.

They were up near the Gare, perhaps earlier Pilgrims leaving a mark to show their devotion to the Gare , or each other?

A young Seal was resting near the water's edge.
It turned to look at Beach Buoy.
Beach Buoy kept a good distance so as not to disturb Sammy.

He checked gare corner for finds and headed back Northwards.
It was a dull and overcast evening.

Looked like the pilgrim tour bus stopped short of going all the way to the Gare too? Or maybe they just didn't want to disturb Sammy?