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Saturday, 8 February 2025


It was clear from the off that one part of the team wasn't keen.

They had arrived at the Park at 7-43 a.m.

It was raining.

Two hoods went up.

They eventually reached the beach with promises of biscuits.

It was 7-50.

Somone wrote in the sand as others in their group filmed.
Then they all  headed north.

The lady who walks the full length of the beach was heading back north.

It was a walk quickly type of morning.
A cold wind off the sea.
Rain stopping and starting repeatedly.

Lots of dramatic clouds about.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the wreck.

The wreck today.

Two hoods came down.
Beach Buoy wanted to be windswept and interesting.
One out of two ain't bad.
It was very windy afterall.

Ghost fishing gear.

About 60 metres of rope.
Beach Buoy had stepped it out.

Beach Buoy coiled up the rope.
He would beach clean it on the way back.

"Morning Mate."
It was 8-29.
Beach Buoy added some stones 
He patted 
He just stood.

The view north.

A jogger laboured southwards.
He was wearing unusual head wear.
From a distance it looked like a cycling helmet.
It wasn't.

"See you mate."
Back to the low level route.

They headed north towards the ghost fishing gear.

Beach Buoy scooped up the rope.

He dragged it all along to The Esplanade.
He left it alongside a rubbish bin for collection.

They walked back on The Front.

Number 99.

The Beach Huts.

Way in.