Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog reached the beach
at 8-35 a.m.
The tide was about 50 50.
The Seaton Carew Wreck was still at sea.
A chilly breeze blew from the south west.
It was not quite a wind.
A man with a Labrador headed south.
A lady with a Spaniel headed north.
Beach Buoy and the dogs headed to the low level route.
Beach Buoy paused.
He pictured himself as a child playing in the dunes.
They were days out.
Flasks of tea with cork stoppers.
Sandwiches with sandy fingers.
A white tent in which to get changed.
Seaton Carew felt further away.
He headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added suitable stones.
He patted
It had been a quiet beach.
People and dogs few are far between.
Hardly a bird in sight for the length of the walk.
A Lone Gull made a show.
"See you mate."
They returned to the beach via the low level route.
Left to right.
The Beach Below.
The Grey Rocks.
The Low Level Route.
The Dunes.
The "easy" route is up in the dunes.
They headed back.
The tide was going out.
They were in their own little world today.
No chats
No distant waves.
If there are no hellos, at least there are no goodbyes.
One old friend, the wreck was on show.
The Lifeguard Station.