Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the beach.
They set off at 7-30 a.m.
They reached the beach at 7-50 a.m.
The Sun was up.
Team Muzzled Dog were already to the South.
Crows and People.
Small and far away.
Sea swimmers were entering the water to the north.
The wreck today.
Sand is beginning to cover the aft.
Tide was well out.
Along the water's edge.
Up ahead a tall man with a Corgi headed south too.
A lady was to the south, throwing a driftwood stick for her Black Labrador.
The two chatted
Both dogs chased one thrown driftwood stick.
Lovely start to the day.
A Defiant Crow.
The tall man and his Corgi head back towards the Village.
Team Beach Buoy.
They gathered five suitable stones.
They walked the low level route.
"Morning Mate."
It was 8-30 a.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
Two men and their two Black Labradors were down on the beach below.
A Giant Rabbit looked down as he sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
He watched a ship round the Wind Turbines before heading to the Tees.
Two Black Labradors appeared.
They were the ones from the beach below.
Their owners followed soon afterwards.
They had the briefest of chats.
Brief but pleasant.
"See you mate."
They headed back to the low level route.
For no particular reason, Beach Buoy was deep in thought.
He looked up to see Dotty Dog and Mam heading into the dunes.
He hoped that he hadn't missed a distant wave.
He makes lots of observations on the beach.
At other times he can be so unobservant.
They headed back.
Eight still not in use.
Beach Buoy rang the council.
It's a problem with the locks.
They didn't envisage so much sand...
No comment.
Beach Buoy asked about reopening The Clock Tower Toilets.
"They've been decommissioned."