Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog parked up in Seaton Park.
It was 8-16 a.m.
They headed for The Esplanade.
Then the ramp.
Then the beach.
Wind and spots of rain blew in from the sea.
Beach Buoy had three hoods up today.
They set off towards the wreck.
The tide was low.
One half of Team Muzzled Dog were jogging back to the north with her Border Collie.
Distant waves were exchanged.
The lady who walks the full length of the beach was almost back at the beach access ramp.
The wreck today.
A man in a black coat headed to the Car Park with his Border Collie.
A man in a red coat headed to the car park with his Border Collie.
Beach Buoy and the dogs headed to the low level route.
Quite a few cuttlefish bones around.
Beach Buoy collected five suitable stones too.
A man walks the beach with two German Shepherds on the loose...
No comment.
"Morning Mate."
It was 9 a.m.
Beach Buoy added suitable stones.
He patted
He sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
The Sea Serpent Marker.
It's light was toppled last year in a storm.
It still flashes.
It is laid to the right.
"See you mate."
They continued south along the dune edge.
As expected, the unexpected driftwood bench remained.
A fairly new burrow up in the dunes.
A defiant flag flapped in the wind, up in the dunes.
Or maybe it was just a grazing hobby horse?
Another defiant flag on top of Sand Martin Corner.
The machine gun post.
Beach Buoy searched the searchable shingle near to the Tank Traps.
They turned to head back north.
Beach Buoy faffed with his new phone camera.
The photographs above and below were taken from the same place.
Telephoto setting...
A metal grab pole, around ten feet long.
About a foot of it lay uncovered.
Beach Buoy pulled it free
It had a book on ether end.
It was beach cleaned.
They headed back
Another Dog's ears were used to monitor wind speeds.