Beach Buoy and Another Dog parked in Seaton Park.
They crossed the road to The Esplanade.
The very very wet retriever was just heading back to a soon to be very very wet car.
" Morning."
As they approached the access ramp they paused for a short chat to Team One Black Ear.
Their beach walk was done.
A man flew by in an electric wheel chair.
He had a German Shepherd on a short lead alongside.
It was unbelievably fast and dangerous.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog started their beach walk at 7-51 a.m.
The view back to the north.
There was a chilly breeze from the south west.
Gloves and Sunglasses.
Sea swimmers head for the sea.
The wreck today.
One third of Team Mick Aston Jumper.
"Morning Mate."
They arrived at Stubborn Dog Stack at
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
Beach Buoy sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
He watched the Wind Turbines.
One out of twenty seven not joining in.
Beach Buoy saw himself as a schoolchild.
"Don't be so shy!
Stop being awkward!"
New Wind Turbine Towers, like Organ Pipes in a Cathedral of Industry.
"See you mate."
They continued south, towards the Pier.
No finds at the tank traps.
They returned north.
A man kicked a ball for his Black Labrador to chase.
The lady who loves the sea was up on the dune edge with her German Shepherd.
A lady beachcombed as Seaton's answer to Ken and Barbie headed north.
Let's go fly a kite.
Back to the van.
Van MOT tomorrow.
Sink clean complete.