As Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog drove to the beach they passed Team One Black Ear heading home
Beach Buoy gave a mobile and not too distant wave from the van.
Beach Buoy parked up.
It was 8-18 a.m.
Moments later Mr. Gunn/ Lunn did too.
He had two dogs today.
Excellent Dog Alfie.
As it was Thursday, Bruce was in attendance too
He belongs to a neighbour of Mr.Gunn/Lunn.
He has a Thursday beach treat.
Beach Buoy always thought that the dog was more of a Basil than a Bruce.
As in Basil Rathbone not Basil Brush.
There was a cold wind blowing off the sea.
A lady headed north along the water's edge.
Up at The Esplanade Wall, The Brass Monkey Swimmers were drying themselves after their fresh dip.
Cuttlefish Bones still lay on the beach.
They reminded Beach Buoy of bars of soap left in a bath when the plug has been unplugged.
The bath left to drain unattended.
There were some lovely grumpy-looking clouds.
Some would say it was like Beach Buoy looking into a mirror.
Once more, the tide was well out.
They headed to the wreck.
Again some would say...
The wreck today.
The man with the chocolate coloured Labrador marched towards the big slope.
A large boat or small ship
Left the River Tees behind.
Beach Buoy gave the telephoto option another try.
Weather of various types seemed to head down the river.
Beams of sunlight.
More rain.
More Rays of sunlight.
"Morning Mate."
It was 9-01.
Beach added five suitable stones.
He patted
He sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
More rain.
Over the hills and down the river.
A ship approaching The Gares and the river beyond.
"See you mate."
They returned the low level route.
They drifted towards the water's edge as they made their way back north.
A couple's Doodle Dog danced southwards as it chased a thrown ball.
It was a grey morning but suddenly, for less than a minute, the houses that frame the Village Green were bathed in July sunlight.
It was lovely.
Brief, but lovely.
Sunny Seaton Carew.