Just Beach Buoy.
Another Dog wouldn't budge out of bed.
Beach Buoy had waited.
He'd pretended to go out and come back in.
He reached the beach alone.
It was 8-11 a.m.
Sea swimmers had made their way to the water.
It had been a short walk.
The tide was more in than it was out.
Beach Buoy headed south.
There was a slight breeze from the south west.
The Coastal Cabin had set up in Sandy Car Park.
There was a milky Sun up in sky.
A jogger headed south, then north, then South, then north.
A dog walker travelled at a more leisurely pace.
Beach Buoy paused to watch summer-like waves fold onto the shore.
Turbines, Buoy's and The Sea Serpent.
Beach Buoy continued south, playing beach bubble wrap along the way
"Morning Mate."
It was 8-47.
Beach Buoy added five suitable stones.
He patted
He sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
He could almost feel Stubborn Dog's paw on his back.
He looked at the sea.
He watched a camera-shy seal work it's way north across the bay.
The Sun, it's light and warmth were very welcome.
A Ship went from Horizon to Hartlepool.
"See you mate."
Beach Buoy decided to walk the "easy" route back to the beach.
Down on the water's edge a man threw a brown driftwood stick for his Red Setter.
Another man headed south with his dog.
He won the award for first T-shirt of the year.
Just Beach Buoy and his sunshine shadow.
He walked back north with the sea for company.
A lady in a rust-coloured coat headed north with her small dog and a red backpack.
Hartlepool Lighthouse.
A man in a hat stood at the water's edge.
He was watching the Ship enter Hartlepool.
His hat was the same green as the ship.