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Tuesday, 18 February 2025


 An afternoon visit.

It was 1-30

Just Beach Buoy.

Even Borrowed Dog seemed to prefer the sofa.

One of life's simple pleasures, walking a dog by the sea.
All you need is a willing dog.

The tide has gone out since this morning's visit.

The wreck.

Beach Buoy wasn't hanging about.
Just getting steps in.
If you have the chance to have them by the sea, then why not?

He collected five suitable stones.
He headed for Stubborn Dog Stack via the low level route.
There, stood at the stack were a confused -looking couple.
"Is there a sandy path down there."
They had been heading north in the dunes.
They were given a potted history of the stack, the dunes and the beach.
Beach Buoy showed them the low level route back to the beach below.

"Afternoon Mate."
It was 2-03 p.m.
Beach Buoy added the five stones.
He patted 
He didn't stop he had a train station lift to do.
"See you mate."

He took walked the low level route northwards, back to the beach.

The Couple in search of a sandy path.
They found one called the beach