Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the beach.
They arrived at 6-55 a.m.
The sun was just coming up.
Team One Black Ear caught up.
They chatted all of the way to the grey rocks.
Down at the water's edge a lady had lost her glove.
Team One Black Ear knew her.
Beach Buoy did not.
They went their separate ways.
Beach Buoy gathered five suitable stones.
They walked a frosty low level route.
Up the small but frosty slope that leads to Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Morning Mate."
It was 7-31.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He rotated the driftwood plank with plenty of rust and frost.
He sat drinking coffee
A sit and think.
"See you mate."
They returned to the beach.
North at first to clear the grey rocks.
Then south on sand.
The man with three dogs who once had four caught up.
" Morning."
They headed south at a quicker pace.
One of the three remaining dogs.
They are all splendid.
This one usually brings up the rear.
Off to play catch up.
It was a gorgeous day.
Often, the Sun goes from orange to lemon once sunrise is done.
Today it was custard.
Like Baby Bear's porridge, it was just right.
Beach Buoy searched around the Tank Traps .
He returned northwards.
Starfish was belly up.
Beach Buoy could see signs of life.
He placed in a beach pool.
He went to gather a couple of rocks to offer it some protection but it was clear that it was on the move already.
Corrugated Steel runs out to sea like an excited swimmer.
Dog walker turns photographer to capture the wreck.
The wreck today.
The Coastal Cabin and a H.G.V.