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Monday 30 October 2023



Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off on foot at 3-46 p.m.
Spots of light rain fell but in the end amounted to nothing.
Beach Buoy could hear the sea clearly, well before he caught sight of it.
 A faceful of fresh sea air was waiting for them.
Beach Buoy rested on the Promenade wall.
He made some brief notes in his beach book.
It's funny the looks you can be given when taking notes outside.
They headed down the debris-strewn access ramp.
Three crabpots lay two thirds of the way down. 
Tossed there by the sea. 
Beach Buoy phoned the Humberside number that was written on a green tag to report them found, not lost afterall.
By the time their walk was over, the pots had gone.
Claimed for sea-themed garden perhaps?
Maybe to be sent out to sea once more?

The waves must have come up possibly over the access ramp?
Beach-trapped water remained near to the promenade wall.

The sea had altered the beach dramatically.
Dunes, where once there was none.
Voids where dunes used to be.

They headed south.
The waves rushed in.
 They moved from beach to dune.
Even then, waves splashed over the stepped dune edge that it the sea itself had just created.

A few days ago, after some dune collapse, an upright piece of timber became exposed.
It was right in the dune edge
There it is in the photograph above.
Its quite a distance from the dune edge now.
It shows clearly just how much gone in recent days.
There was no safe way to Stubborn Dog Stack via the beach.
Sea Buckthorn cut off a dune route.
The sea was too unpredictable, even more so than people can be at times.
Light would be fading soon too.
Beach Buoy took a sip of coffee 
There'd be no wobbling this afternoon.

He looked north to plot their way back.
They set off.

Sea Buckthorn can be a pain in the...
This bush reminded Beach Buoy of Sycamore Gap, so he photographed it.

They were back at the northern end of the dunes earlier than they had expected.
At least it was still light.