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Saturday 28 October 2023



Beach Buoy had been up since before 4 a.m.

He made coffee.

He drew.

He waited.

They set off.

Beach Buoy had put new batteries in the van's dashboard fairy lights.

Their brightness and colourfulness made him smile on this and other dark journeys. 

It was 6-53 a.m. when he and Another Dog arrived in the beach car park.

It was dark. 

It had rained.

The lady who had once fallen off her bike, walked southwards along the Promenade with a torch and a companion.

A Jogger raced from dark south to dark north.

Cracks of the faintest, not even half light showed the sky over the bay to be cloud-filled.

Distant silouettes and torches were near the sea to the north.

They headed south.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple  overtook then went ahead at speed.

Lots of dune edge taken by the sea. 

Some steps as high as a Beach Buoy.
Others as big as a house.
A big dog seemed to appear from nowhere.
It ran at them three or four times.
Beach Buoy scooped up Another Dog.
The dog's owner appeared from the dunes , then headed to the sea. 
There was no apology, no dog lead.
Just a peep peep whistle as he headed off.

Buy a lead not a peep peep whistle!

Lots of additional grey rocks..so much sand had gone.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog scrambled and clambered across to the sandy slope.

About a metre had gone at the slope!
They scrambled and clambered some more.
They found another route up to the dunes.
Once up in the dunes it was a matter of finding their bearings and more importantly, Stubborn Dog Stack.
If it was still in one piece?
The vast change in the beach and dune edge was quite disorientating.

They found Stubborn Dog Stack.
All looked to be well?
The dune edge hadn't seemed to have fallen ahead of it?
The grey rocks had done their job excellently.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy patted
He added some more.
He also added a vintage beach brick from his recent Middleton visit.
Sadly thanks to Hartlepool Council's
Sea Tax, the clock was already ticking 
Back to the van for 9 a m. or pay.
Beach Buoy strongly disagrees with taxing the sea by means of car park charges.
He was drinking his coffee on-the-go today. 

Reluctantly, "See you mate."
They returned to the beach, or to be more accurate, the stones.

They crossed stones in locations where Beach Buoy had never  noticed them before.
Camp Distant Wave resembled a fortress when looking from the beach. A vast sloping mass of recent grey stones and rocks swept up steeply towards it.

They searched in and around the Wold War Two Tank Traps.
He was hopeful of a find or two.
It was not to be.
Another man with a Large Dog walked the water's edge as his dog ran at and away from Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

The Sun made an effort to show.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog began to head back.

Others approached as steam/ mist and Gulls appeared from the sea.

The Labrador couple passed by.
No fuss or drama at all.

The Sun glowed, still hidden by cloud.

Slow walk back.
A random shaft of sunlight seemed to highlight the art deco clock tower at the bus station.

Team Mick Aston Jumper headed north. 

The young lady with a Yorkshire Terrier called Bobby had just gone ahead.

The Clockwork Beach turned slowly once more.
