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Saturday 25 June 2022


Beach Buoy had gone to bed at 12-45 a.m....
There hadn't been a beach visit on Friday.
It had been so hot at work. 
His hayfever had been dreadful.
He was worn out.

He had sneezed violently so much during the day, that when the did wake on Saturday, his ribs were sore and he was very weary.
He went downstairs at 4-54 a m.
The kettle was put on.
He was actually in two minds about going to the beach.
Deep down he knew the call of the beach would win. 
It did.
He wasn't going to rush.
It was 6-27 a.m. when they pulled up in the car park.
Six cars were parked quite closely to one another in the vastness of the tarmac surface.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed towards the sea.
Four teenagers made their way from the dunes, making enough noise for twenty.
It looked like they had spent the night in the dunes?
A couple of them had blankets draped over their shoulders like tangled capes of failed superheroes.

It was a gorgeous morning.
The wind turbine blades looked to be edge on to the beach as they spun in a strong breeze from the south west.
There was hardly a cloud in the sky.
They headed south.
A Black Labrador called Peggy came to say hello.

The very very wet retriever ran up to Beach Buoy, looking as if to say.
"You got a spare ball mate?"
"Sorry, not today." said Beach Buoy.
The dog ran back to its owner, down on the water's edge.
The owner and Beach Buoy exchanged distant waves.
Up on the dune edge the 7 a m. club were having a bit of a gathering.
Litter picking had took place.
Pointing was in progress.
Down to the north, The Distant Wave Lady had joined the beach.
She headed to the get together.
A short while later some of the 7 a.m. club headed to the promenade, litter bags in hand.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued south.
Sand Martins twisted and turned as they traveled the dune edge.
The very very wet retriever came back to double check the ball situation.

The Distant Wave Lady's dog, Hugo came to say hello.he was very very wet too.
Beach Buoy headed up to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some beach stones.
He patted 
He sat down on a large stack stone.
Out came the thermal flask of coffee.
He screwed the base of the mug into the nearby sand; a beach cup holder.

He sat watching the Sand Martins put on a show.

Marram Grass, heavy with seed heads, dipped back and forth in the strong breeze. Like artist's brushes coloured quickly to catch the scene before the light had chance to change.

The beachcombing border collie couple came along as far as the grey rocks before returning to the north.

"See you mate."

Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the beach.

They continued to head south.

A man and two dogs were heading north along the water's edge.

There was something up ahead on the sand.

From a distance, it looked as if someone had been doing some stone stacking?

The stone  stack moved.

It was a dog.

The dog trotted over in the direction of Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

" Oh my goodness!."

"Winston? "

That was Stubborn Dog's name.

That was Stubborn Dog's face.

The dog stopped about three metres away from them.

It just sat and looked Beach Buoy in the eyes.

Beach Buoy went head to toe and back again in goosebumps.

He reached for his phone 

He had to get a photograph.

In typical Stubborn Dog style the dog turned and trotted off in the direction of the man with two dogs, walking the water's edge.

Beach Buoy did manage to capture the little dog trotting off into the distance.

Beach Buoy headed for the tank traps.

He gathered thoughts and made notes.

It had all been very odd.

The began a slow walk back as airship clouds drifted into the bay.

They walked near to the sea. 
A sea coal delivery was in progress.

 The Sea Serpent Marker in a sparkling sea.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed toward the dunes.

A couple walked hand in hand, shoes in hand, ankle deep in sea.
Beach Buoy picked  a large bag of beach cleaned rubbish. 
He placed it in a promenade rubbish bin.
The 7 a.m. club must have been struggling with the number of bags that they had tried to collect?