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Saturday 11 June 2022


Beach Buoy had been up since 4-24 a.m.
He had been awake longer.
By the time he and Another Dog headed for the beach, it felt like lunchtime.
They reached the beach car park at 6-07 a.m.
A few spots of rain had fell on the van's windscreen as they drove to the beach.
Beach Buoy wondered if he should have just got up and out earlier?
It was just random spots but his orange coat went on just incase.

The tide was way out.

Someone walked the water's edge with their dog.

The random rain became more constant.
The wind picked up.
The beach began to hiss as shifting sands began to move.

The water's edge dog walker headed back to the car park.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
The rain drops paused but sand still shifted.

Beach Buoy found a large piece of sea pottery. He recognised the outer design.
He would have to have a dig about in his collection.

Luckily the underside of the pottery piece had a design too.

The 7 a.m. club headed back from the Pier.
"Morning Paul."
Mari the Poodle didn't come running over.
Her owner was surprised.
"Looks like you're out of favour this morning?"
"Must have lost my touch? "
....it happens 
They headed in opposite directions.
Beach Buoy collected nine sandy coloured stones for
Stubborn Dog Stack.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up the sandy slope.
Beach Buoy added the stones.
He patted
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy watched the sea, the sky and horizon between the two.
"See you mate."

They headed back to the beach before continuing to the south.
A large patch of sea coal lay ahead like an unused road.
They left a story of tracks as they crossed it.
Two Gannets lay dead up on the grey rocks.

Out in the bay shafts of light seemed to search for the weekend.
It was one of the mornings were the light changed constantly.

Beach Buoy sat on a World War Two Tank Trap.
He had coffee and a doughnut;
They began to head back.
A Crow hopped onto the vacant Tank Trap to check for crumbs.
Like that's going to happen!

They headed back. 
The light changed once more.
Bright sunshine illuminated the village to the north.
Dark clouds provided a dramatic backdrop.

They crossed wet, reflecting sands.

In the distance, down at the water's edge, the Distant Wave Lady paused to photograph the sea.
Maybe she does a blog too?
Maybe Beach Buoy is known as The Distant Wave Man?

Distant waves were exchanged.
Hugo the dog, ran about half way of the distance between them, but then turned to head back to the sea.
Beach Buoy's second snub of the day.

Sea water swimmers headed back north for their dip after a walk to the south end of the beach.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the Promenade.

Pebbles with legs information board.
To avoid confusion.

 The Little Tern Warden had arrived early.
He did a smashing job of a car park litter pick.

They headed off.
The windscreen wipers came on as the rain returned.