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Wednesday 28 July 2021


Beach Buoy reached the beach at 6 a.m.
The sunrise had been hidden by cloud but no need to worry 
as Beach Buoy is known locally as Seaton's own ray of Sunshine.... not.
The moon looked down from above the dunes.
It reminded Beach Buoy of a character from Eastenders; Arfa Moon.
It was partially hidden by cloud too.
A man and dog had reached the beach just before Beach Buoy.
They were soon well along the beach, to the south.
It had rain heavily overnight.
The non-tidal part of the beach was pop marked  with heavy raindrops.
Beach Buoy crossed over beyond the strand line.
Smoother sand waiting for foot and paw prints to tell their story.
The tide was more in than it was out.
Three Tugs waited to guide a ship into the River Tees.

It wasn't long before the man and dog were heading back towards the north and Beach Buoy too.
Beach Buoy realised it was the very very wet dog from Yesterday.
The dog took aim at Beach Buoy and ran at full speed.
The very friendly and very very wet dog was welcomed with open arms.
"It's OK nothing wrong with having a friendly dog."
They went their separate ways as Sand Martins swooped around.
Terns travelled up and down the water's edge all sounding like a rusty garden gate in need of oil.

Beach Buoy gathered up three stones from the beach before heading up to the dunes.

"Morning Mate."
He placed the beach stones and patted 

He stood near his mate as Gulls swam above the Sea Serpent.

He watched the Terns too.

He sat on the dune edge, just in front of Stubborn Dog Stack,
He made some beach notes in his colourful beach book as he sipped coffee and took tablets.

He watched the Little Terns drop into the sea, just a metre or so from shore.

"See you later mate."
Beach Buoy waved at Stubborn Dog Stack as he began to head back.

The beach was quiet, but then again it was still early.

The in-coming sea began to fill the lows in the beach surface.

Beach Buoy found a small fish.
It may have just been stunned by the waves hitting the beach.
He returned it to the sea,  just in case.

A lone Kayaker headed south, scattering Gulls as he did so.
The Kayak was pea-green in colour.
Beach Buoy was half expecting an owl and a pussy cat sharing the rowing duties.

A man passed by, heading south.
His shorts were the same shade of grey as his hair.

He placed some finds on the Promenade Wall to photograph them.
A man walked south with his two dogs.
"Morning." said Beach Buoy.
"Good Morning ." replied the well-spoken gent.
Beach Buoy felt as though he had been corrected.

One of the finds was later possibly identified as being of the 
Level Bridge, across the Tyne.

Later it was over to Hartlepool Headland.


Beach Buoy.